Renewing Members

  • image button on the front page with link to Renewals page
  • Renewals page – Membership Renewal
  • The registration form is not required.   Members are asked to review their profile.
  • A SmartWaiver image and link is provided.
  • The created waiver can be edited, but the important content and interactive steps are complete.
  • To get the right link for the particular waiver (Renewal, New Member, Guest), slect the waiver and proceed to the last step.   Code can be generated to insert into a page or a link can be generated, either of which goes into the particular page or post.
  • Since the waiver must be verified by email, an email gets sent to the user, but a redirect sends the user to a website page – KHC E-waiver
  • Once the email is verified, the user is taken to another website page – Smartwaiver Email Verified –  a link is provided back to the Renewals page
  • The next section is payments.   We have to login in to Paypal then create a button/link in Paypal to get the code, which we then paste into the text section of the page.   This is an image and a link to KHC’s Paypal account.   (Alternately we could use a Paypal image and link).   The user makes the payment and when finished, Paypal sends the user back to the renewals page through a redirect in Paypal (edit button – advanced features)
  • If the user wants to use E-transfer instead, the text instructions are on the page.
  • If the users wants to pay by cheque, we are asking him/her to contact us by email to make arrangements.
  • All Smart Waivers are stored in our Smart waiver account.   An export can be done at any time.   Best practices are to do a download from time to time and to store them somewhere for the future.   The webmaster and the Member Services Director have access to KHC’s Smart Waiver accounts.   Logins are backed up on paper in the Treasurer’s records.
  • The relevant pages for all of these steps are found in the pages directory with the parent page as Kamloops Hiking Club Registration.


New Members

  • Most of the same steps noted above also apply to new members except for the first step a registration form.
  • We can create a Renewals page that can only be seen by logged in users using shortcode.
  • New members must first complete a registration form which was created in a plugin called Visual Form Builder.   It generates short code which is copied onto the Single Membership Page
  • Within the settings for Visual Form Builder is a redirect to send the user back to the registration page.
  • The same steps noted above are used but we create a duplicate waiver with specific redirects back to the Registration page and a duplicate paypal button with a specific redirect back to the same registration page.


  • to be added